
  • Tech Interviews

    If you’ve looked at LinkedIn in the past couple of months (or years), you will have seen posts from people about tech interviews. This is my contribution to the discussion. I’ll start with an overview of the state of interviewing for software engineering roles and finish with a proposal for a better process. A process that I think gives more insight into how candidates actually solve problems and takes less time for both the candidate and the interviewer.

  • Advent of Code - 2025

    This is the second year I’ve participated in Advent of Code, and I cannot recommend this exercise enough. It’s a great way to encounter interesting software engineering puzzles that are very different from my day-to-day work.

  • Setup Dependabot

    Dependabot is one of the most underrated features on a GitHub repository. It’s a free service that ensures your dependencies are up to date and warns you about security issues in them. It does this by automatically scanning your dependencies and creating a pull request for you to approve.

  • Cat Picture

    Meet Ms. Poes.

  • Blog Platform

    As you can probably tell, this blog is hosted on GitHub Pages and rendered using Jekyll. This means you can find the source in its dedicated GitHub repository.

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